"86 percent of companies say they use coaching to sharpen skills of individuals who have been identified as future organizational leaders.”

Harvard Business School

Our program empowers your staff to bolster personalized support and guidance to students, helping them navigate challenges, set and achieve goals, and maximize their potential. It enhances students' academic performance, sense of belonging, self-confidence, and resilience, contributing to higher retention and graduation rates. By fostering leadership skills and holistic development, coaching equips students with the necessary tools and mindset for success in college and beyond.

We will support your staff to provide targeted academic advising and support to prospective students, helping them navigate the admissions process and make informed decisions about their academic pathways. By offering guidance on course selection, academic planning, and prerequisite requirements, coaching can increase the likelihood of successful admission and long-term academic success.

Admissions Impact & Academic Advising

Many students face challenges during the transition from high school to college. Our coaching program will prepare your staff to offer personalized support to incoming students, helping them adjust to campus life, manage time effectively, develop study skills, and build a strong support network. By addressing these transitional challenges, our coaching can contribute to improved retention rates by enhancing students' sense of belonging and well-being.

Personalized Support for Transitioning Students

Goal Setting & Accountability

Our coaching program will support your staff to assist students in setting clear academic and personal goals and provide ongoing accountability to ensure progress. By helping students establish goals and break them down into manageable action steps, our outcomes include encouraging students to stay focused and motivated, which will positively impact retention and graduation rates.

Academic Success Strategies

When staff are leading with effective coaching pedagogy, students benefit with increased study skills, time management techniques, and strategies for managing academic challenges. By providing students with tools and resources to succeed academically, coaching can improve retention rates by reducing academic-related stress and enhancing students' ability to overcome obstacles.

Holistic Support & Well-being

Our coaching program takes a holistic approach to student support to address factors beyond academics that impact student success. By providing guidance and resources for personal development, stress management, mental health, and overall well-being, our training will contribute to the framework for a supportive campus environment that enhances student retention and graduation rates.